Week 7 Storytelling: The Cave of the Beasts
Once upon a time there was a man named Todd who was married to his wife Francesca, and together they had seven beautiful daughters.The names of his daughters were Elizabeth, Charlotte, Annabelle, Christina, Penelope, Catherine, and Alexandra.
One day when Todd was out looking for firewood, he stumbled upon seven golden duck eggs. He brought home the eggs, but had no intention of sharing them with his seven daughters. He desired to share the deliciously golden eggs with his wife for breakfast the next morning.
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Golden Eggs |
Todd's oldest daughter, Elizabeth, woke up early the next morning and asked her mother was she was cooking that smelled so delicious. Francesca admitted that she was cooking golden duck eggs, and she would let her have one if she did not speak a word of it to her six younger sisters.
Next, Charlotte woke up and asked her mother what she was cooking. Francesca replied that she was cooking golden duck eggs. She agreed to let her have one if she did not tell her sisters. This went on and on until all of the golden eggs were eaten by all of the daughters.
Todd finally woke up around ten-thirty that morning only to find that his precious eggs were gone. Todd was so angry that he cooked up an evil plan to rid himself of his daughters whom he now despised.
His plan was to trick his daughters by telling them they were going to visit their grandparents who lived beyond the dark forest, but he was actually going to sneak away from them in the middle of the night and leave them to be eaten by the wild beasts in the forest.
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Dark Forest |
That afternoon, Todd and his seven daughters left their house to travel through the dark forest. When nighttime came upon them, the daughters turned around to ask their father if they were close yet. When they turned around, they realized their father was gone and had left them to fight the night alone in the dark forest.
They found a stone which they would make into a pillow. All together they moved the stone to the ground to rest their heads on it in the night. When they moved the stone, they saw that it was really a door to a glowing, eerie cave.
The girls curiously went into the cave and found that the glow came from a collection of priceless gems, stones, and jewels. They also found feather beds with golden silk sheets, and helped themselves to a luxurious night of sleep.
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Cave Jewels |
During the night, the owners of the cave, a fox and a wolf, came home to find the girls sleeping in their beds. They were too tired to eat them that night, so they decided to wait until the morning. Since their beds were occupied, they decided to blow out the fire and sleep in the pot above the warm firewood.
When the girls woke up, they saw that the owners of the cave had come home and they were sleeping in a giant cauldron over still warm firewood. Four of the girls tiptoed over to the cauldron and slammed the lid onto it while the other three collected rocks and stones to put on top of the lid so the fox and wolf could not escape.
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The Fox and the Wolf |
An intense warm feeling woke up the fox and wolf, and minutes later they were dead. The girls had started a fire to cook the animals and save themselves from being eaten alive. A few days later, Todd went out to the woods in hopes that his daughters were still alive. He realized he had made a mistake in leading them to their death and wished to bring them home.
When he smelled something delicious cooking, he followed his nose. Finally, he reached a glowing cave. He slowly crept inside and much to his surprise he saw seven young women. He felt relieved and started crying tears of joy.
Todd said, "Oh girls, I am so glad to see you! I am so sorry I left you out here alone. Please come home to your mother and me."
The daughters replied, "Oh father, we are indeed happy to see you, too. We are quickly cooking up breakfast, and then we all shall leave this cave together. We can take all of these precious jewels with us and become rich!"
Todd said, "Oh daughters it does smell delightful. If I may ask, what are you making that smells so delicious?"
The daughters replied, "We are actually making golden duck eggs. That is your favorite right? Come here take a look. Do you think they are golden enough?"
As Todd looked into the burning cauldron, he saw nothing but a dead fox and wolf. He was very confused, and just as he was turning around to ask his daughters what they were talking about, all seven of them pushed him into the cauldron and shut the lid tight.
The daughters said: "That is for leaving us out here to die alone. This is what you deserve!"
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Burning Cauldron |
The daughters then gathered up all of the jewels and gems, headed home, and forever lived a life full of luxury and happiness with their sweet mother.
Author's Note: For this story, The Cave of the Beasts, I kept almost everything the same, except for the ending. In the original story, the daughters did not kill the father at the end. The girls in the original let the father take them home and they let him
take the jewels so they could all live a happy, rich life. I was
expecting the ending that I wrote to happen, so when it didn't, I
decided I must change it! This ending makes more sense, and is much more
interesting! Also, only the youngest daughters went with the father to the grandmother's house because the older daughters knew better. They knew it was a trick. I thought that was pretty wrong because if they knew, why did they not warn the other sisters? So I decided all of them should be tricked. In the original they traveled into the mountains, but I thought a dark forest sounded scarier. It reminds me of something out of a horror film. The same events take place in the cave with the fox and the wolf except that the animals did not see the girls when they get home. The fox talked the wolf into sleeping in the pot instead of the bed because it would be warmer. Also just for fun, I gave everyone names. None of the characters have names, but I decided to make it more interesting and give everyone a name. I chose Todd for the father because leading your children into the woods
to be eaten is evil, and if you have ever watched "Breaking Bad," the
character Todd is pretty darn evil. For the daughters and mother, I
chose really feminine, long pretty names because they are sweet (for the
most part).
Book: Chinese Fairy Tales
Author: R. Wilhelm
Year Published: 1921
Web Source: Un-Textbook
Author: R. Wilhelm
Year Published: 1921
Web Source: Un-Textbook
Wow. What an interesting story! I have heard it before and I think you were right about adding the girls names to the story, it gave the story a nice addition. Every time I think of this story I am again and again shocked by the dramatic imagery! How is it possible for a father to leave his children for days! I mean I don't have any kids, but I have a dog and I can't imagine leave him in the woods to fend for himself. I think I like your ending a lot more than the original. The man probably deserved to be killed in the cauldron and I am glad that the mother was able to have her girls back. Overall I think you did an excellent job telling your story!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Christian! I am really happy that you liked my story. I really tried hard this week to improve on my writing. I appreciate your feedback, it makes me happy to know that others enjoyed my story this week! Have a great OU/TX weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteI did not like the father in your story from the very beginning. His first reaction to finding golden eggs was to eat them, then he decided not to share them, and finally he got angry when his breakfast was eaten after he slept it too late. A wise father would sell the golden eggs, not eat them! A loving father would share his possessions with his family. A responsible father would wake up at an early hour if he wanted breakfast. This guy was not any of these. I’m in agreement with you. It’s crazy for the father not to be punished at the end of the story. He should not be rewarded with the jewels his daughters discovered. Thank you for bringing justice to the world by sharing your adaptation of this story!
Maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but this guy was a bad dad. You wrote a great story that lets the reader know this fact. I’m glad that the innocent girls were not harmed in any way. Just think of what could have happened to them all alone in the woods. The ending of your story was very satisfying, too. The daughters overcame their evil, selfish father.
I really enjoyed this story! In the beginning I was surprised that every was so excited to eat the golden eggs. I guess they weren't really made of gold, but I would still be scared of the color, haha. I really did not like Todd in the story, he was such a psycho! What kind of man decides to kill all his daughters over some eggs? Then he has a strange change of heart and goes back for them. Todd clearly has some problems. It was for the best that he got cooked along with the fox and the wolf.
ReplyDeleteI read this unit but only read half so I didn't get to read this story. I really like how you kept all the sisters together! There is more power in number so the girls would have been safer with all seven of them. I agree that is was wrong of the older sisters to not tell the younger sisters that they were being tricked! I also really like how you changed the ending! I was thinking as I was reading that they better not give in so easily and just go with the father! It was horrible of him to keep food from his children as well as leave them outside to die. He definitely deserved to be thrown in that pot! I really like how you tied in the golden eggs back to the ending as well. It fit perfectly! Great job!
ReplyDeleteHey Stephanie! Great job on the story! I really liked the pictures throughout the story. It helped me visualize everything as the story progressed. As I was reading the story, I thought the golden eggs were the focus of the story, but really they were apart of the exposition, which added an interesting flare and dynamic to the story.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part was the ending how the girls pushed their father into the cauldron. (I guess you don’t get to say that everyday.) I am all about girl power so I loved how you kept all the sisters together when they went to the woods. I also loved how the seven sisters joined together to take down an evil man and they were able to live happily ever after with their sweet mother. Not to mention, they lived with all those jewels and gems!
I would suggest you to expand on the later section of the story a bit. Why did the fox and wolf decide to sleep in the cauldron instead of somewhere else? Did all the girls wake up all at once and just happen to glance at the cauldron? Were the fox and wolf struggling to get out or did they just die instantly? How big was the cauldron? These are just some questions I was thinking after I had read your story. Maybe you could add more description to your story so everyone else can see what you are imagining better? I know that I have trouble with this sometimes as well so it is not easy. Nonetheless, good job on your story!!
Hey Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteExcellent retelling of this story! I actually read this story for one of the reading units and it is definitely an awesome one. I find descriptive words can really accent a story like this that allows the reader to see what is happening. I would actually think about using more of those. For instance, did Elizabeth wake up to the intoxicating aroma of her mothers cooking or did she just wake up? Using words like this not only bring stories to life more but they let the reader sense, or feel, the story as much as see it. One thing I especially loved about your story is that you did not have gigantic paragraphs! Each one contained a different micro-event and gave details without droning on. This style was very refreshing and I really liked the way that it set events up. Your reasoning for Todd’s name cracks me up, by the way. Your ending was amazing! So incredibly powerful, and a great twist from the original. I definitely think that your voice resonates much more at your twist in the ending than it does in the beginning. Maybe have the first daughter talk to the mother at the beginning? Your voice is so fun and creative at the end, as well as an amazing flow! Great job! I look forward to reading more of your portfolio in the future.
Hi Stephanie!
ReplyDeleteI read a portfolio for the first time this semester earlier so I decided to use my free comment for this week on another portfolio because it’s a nice break from all the storybooks. There was a lot to this story to process! You did a great job of having so much detail in your story and there were a few individual “scenes” that you tied together very nicely. I was most surprised when the father found the daughters in the cave and they seemed like nothing ever happened and invited him to breakfast before they all returned home. This obviously didn’t happen but I think it was a great twist you included. I always think it is a good choice to give the characters names, but wow you had a lot of names you needed to come up with! Now that I’ve read the author’s note, I’m even more surprised about the twist you put in with the daughters initially telling their father that they would all go home because apparently that’s the original story! I think this is a very good addition you made and it does sound like they were all pretty oblivious to anything in the original story. Great retelling of the story!
Hi Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this retelling! You did an especially good job of including details and tying each element of the story together. You also do a great job of including images! I am not a big picture person so I usually struggle to find appropriate images that don’t take away from the text of the story. I was very impressed by your image choice. As far as the actual story, I really like how decided to keep all seven of the sisters together and how you were able to bring the golden eggs back into the story at the end. I think you did a great job of keeping the story similar enough to the original that you could tell the similarities, but keeping your story distinctly different as well.
Hi Stephanie, great job on your portfolio! I love the way it is set up and that you have included a bunch of images in your story. I usually just put one picture in my story but after reading your portfolio I think I am going to start adding more images in mine! It was very neat to see how the images played along with the story and I could get a really good picture of what was going on in my mind! I loved all the special details you put into your retelling of “The Cave of the Beasts” because it was unique compared to the original story. The ending was definitely a better choice because the father did not deserve the gold and the jewels after he tried to trick his daughters into being lost in the woods and eaten by animals. However, it was kind of sad to think the father actually regretted what he had done and apologized when he came back to get them. Maybe another ending could be where he comes back to get his daughters and he is sorry for what he has done and the daughters come up with a deal instead. Maybe they could go back with him as long as he did not take any of their riches!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely nailed the fairy tale tone of the story from the beginning here. This story reads smoothly and I like how it becomes one of those stories in which the trickster—in this case Todd—becomes the fool. It’s also interesting to see how animals that are often depicted as tricksters themselves, the wolf and the fox, also end up as fools in the story. The sisters in this story make for some wickedly good tricksters!
ReplyDeleteWow Stephanie, what an interesting portfolio! Honestly that was the strangest story I have read so far in this class, and what is even crazier is that you kept the story the same except the end. I really liked that while you read your story, you get a great idea of the scene that is taking place because you placed pictures throughout the story. It helps the reader imagine what is happening throughout the story, which is great! Also, after reading your Author's Note, I think you made a lot of great additions to the original story. I think giving names to the characters make the story more realistic. I like that you put thought into the name you gave the dad. I have not watched Breaking Bad, but I think it is great that you named him after an evil character. And the dad in this story is a little crazy. I mean who wants to kill their daughters over some golden eggs? They must have been so pretty special eggs to get so mad about! Haha poor girls just wanted some eggs! I think I like your ending to this story better than the original because that is the kind of ending I would see also. What crazy person would go with their dad after he just left them out in the woods to die? Your ending is definitely more realistic. Great job!
ReplyDeleteHi Stephanie! What a great story! I've never read the original but I really like the changes you made. I can't imagine a father getting so mad that he decided to take all his daughters into the woods to be killed… Sounds brutal! Or that his wife would let him do that. But I liked the way you changed it, it really made it fun and entertaining to read. I'm glad the girls got their revenge in the end and gave the father a taste of his medicine! I'm sure the original ending wasn't as gratifying. I think you did a great job with detail and imagery, I really understood the plot and could see everything that was going on. I definitely agree that forest is a lot scarier, too! Overall, I think your changes really improved the plot and let the reader get to know the characters. I really enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHi Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteI really like how you used a lot of images in your storytelling. Before even reading I got a general feel of what the story was about because of the images you used. I find it funny that Todd and Francesca thought they could cook and quickly eat 6 golden eggs without at least one of their daughters finding out. Despite having an extremely selfish father, they seemed to run into a lot of good luck. I wonder what changed Todd’s mind to go back and search for his daughters. Maybe he became overcome with guilt and regret. I think the ending is very fitting and appropriate, especially after the father so selfishly tried to kill all his daughters. I’ve never read “The Cave of the Beasts” but I’m very glad you decided to keep everything but the end the same. I like that you gave this ending aside from the other one. I couldn’t imagine this story ending any other way. Also, giving the characters names was a nice touch, it makes the story more relatable to the reader. Overall, I really enjoyed your retelling. It was short and sweet! Keep up the good work Stephanie!
ReplyDeleteI thought you did an awesome job on this retelling! I read this unit as well a few weeks ago so it was nice to see a story that I recognized in the assignments this week. This story was one of my favorite in the unit because it was so different from all the others.
I love that you used so many images. I typically only use one but your use of images was great and so helpful in retelling this story.
Your plot twist in this story was so interesting to me. I would have never thought to make the daughters kill their father, but it makes sense. His betrayal of the daughters could definitely cause them to want to kill him. I thought your brave choice in plot twist was great!
Your stories are always so great and this one was no different! Great job!