Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week 6: Essay

Week 6: Essay
This week I read the Nigerian Folktales unit. I thought that it was going to be different than it was. It was one of my least favorite units thus far. I thought it would be interesting because the preview said it was about animals. I also was really looking forward to the stories that explain why things are they way they are. For example why we bury dead people or why elephants have small eyes. I guess the reasons from theses stories were not that interesting or entertaining to me like some others I have read for this class. Some of the stories were really short too and I think that creates a lack of depth and detail which creates less interesting and enticing stories.
 I thought it would be nice for something different this week to read about animals, but I think I am really more into the fairy tales like the previous ones I have read. So I think this week I am learning what kinds of stories I like and which ones I do not like which is important for the rest of the semester. This will also help me with my portfolio because it will not be fun to write stories that I do not like or am not interested in. 
My favorite story this week was probably Of the Pretty Stranger who Killed the King. I liked this one because it was kind of tragic and twisted. It was different than the typical fairytale or story. So that is why I decided to do that story for my retelling this week.
The Frog Prince
  Next week I will look for more stories like this or stories that are more centered around people and magic instead of animals and elements. I am really looking forward to the brothers Grimm unit and the British/European units later on in the semester because I feel like those are the kinds of stories I really like to read.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, I just happened to notice this post, and while I wish the Nigerian unit had been more enjoyable, you are right that it sometimes takes a while to learn what stories you like best. The African stories are very much about animals and tricksters... but I bet you would really like the Japanese Fairy Tales - both the Lang unit and the Ozaki unit have stories in there that are very much like fairy tales you know from the European tradition too! So for Week 7, you might try one of those units. I bet you would like them! Of all the options, I think the Lang or Ozaki fairy tales from Japan would work.... fingers crossed!!! :-)
