Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 5: Essay

Week 5: My Writing Experiences

When I was in high school I remember I did not like to write much. I never felt like I was good at writing, but I usually got As and Bs on all of my papers. Everyone in my family told me that I should major in something to do with writing, but I never believed in myself. Freshman year I had this awful English teacher that for some reason HATED me. I had people in the class even ask me "Why does our teacher hate you?" I honestly did not know because I had never done anything wrong to her. I got a D on my first paper for her class and I was mortified. That was the first time I ever went to a teacher's office hours and it was completely awful. She made me feel so small and stupid. She basically told me I had no idea what I was doing and that I did everything completely wrong, but she let me redo the paper. The experiences I had in her class made me feel awful about myself and I was not confident in my writing at all. 

An "A" Paper
The next semester I was taking my second and last semester of English, and I could not happier that I would not have to take it again. After having my confidence crushed, this class really changed me in the best way possible. My teacher was so great and worlds different than my first teacher. He is still one of my favorite teachers I ever had at OU. Thinking I was a horrible writer, I was so nervous to get my first paper back. I ended up getting a 95%. I was so shocked and confused, but so happy. After we turned the third paper in, he asked me to talk to him after class. Naturally I was super nervous because I had no idea what he was about to talk to me about! It ends up he told me that I should really consider majoring in professional writing or something similar. He thought that I was and excellent writer, and that I had a really different and captivating way of writing. This was one of my favorite moments from college, ever. I was so shocked and surprised that he thought I was a good enough writer to major in professional writing. I ended up getting As on all of my papers, and getting an A in the class.

Obviously I did not take that route, but I still do a lot of writing in my major. When I was still a business major I took a writing for business class, and it really helped me a lot. I learned so much from that class that I can use in my career some day. This mythology class is very writing based and I think it is really helping me with my creative writing skills which is something I definitely (and always) can improve! For Sociology, I am in a methods of social research class right now and there will be a ton of writing. For my major most of the writing is social research which I am not as familiar with, but my methods class is about to tell me all about that so I like to think I am a well rounded writer when it comes down to all of the different writing classes I have taken.

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