Thursday, October 16, 2014

Week 9: Essay

Week 9: Essay: Cartoons about Language

I don't know why, but for some reason I actually laughed out loud when I read the last sentence of this cartoon. And I never laugh out loud at anything! So I figured that it must be the one to talk about today. I probably thought it was funny because first of all, it is men. Men are usually, at least from my experience, the gender that is more likely to curse. I also have never been one to curse so that probably makes it a little more funny to me too.
To me, when I look at this cartoon two totally different things going on. The man on the left is happy and smiling, and the man on the left does not look happy. He actually looks annoyed or bored with the man on the left. They really gave the man on the left a lot of gender characteristics such as a hat, a button up shirt, a beard, and a hammer. The man on the right has no gender telling characteristics except for he has short hair. Now that I think of it, its as if he has no gender. That is really interest to me.
I think another thing that makes this cartoon funny is the use of beverages. The man on the left uses beverages such as gin and tonic, tang, and pepsi. He could have said water, milk, and tea. The guy on the right said frappuccino which is actually what made me laugh. It is such a fancy name for a beverage, and I am assuming they used that word because it started with an F. I definitely think it is the language that makes this cartoon comical because if they had just used normal beverages, I would not have found it funny at all.

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