Cartoon |
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Week 11: Essay
Week 11: Essay
This week I chose to do the cartoon essay because I have fun reading all of them. This week the cartoon I chose was one that I actually connect with. The reason I connect with this cartoon is because it is about two coyotes and one asks the other "Wait...Did you just say 'LOL'?" LOL of course means "laugh out loud." I connect with this because I have found myself wanting to say "LOL" out loud in a conversation on a few occasions over the last few years. However, I hope I never do that because that would be so embarrassing and incorrect. I also have lately caught myself saying "JK" out loud a few times in conversations. JK means "just kidding." I have not only done this once, but several times. I think the world is becoming so technology based and we spend so much time on social media sites and writing short hand that we are all going to start saying things such as "LOL" and "JK" in every day conversations. I also have accidentally written things such as "probly" and "gonna" in important papers for class and in homework. It is so bad and I really hate that things such as texting, emails, and Facebook are contributing to these types of writing. I have tried to really work on my shorthand in texting because I feel as I get older it makes me look bad. I feel like things such as "ur" instead of "your" and "r" instead of "are" or "u" instead of "you" are just making me look uneducated and like a child. Also, I do not want to develop such a habit that I do start really adding these things into my writing for school or work. So I have really been working on that and that is why I chose this cartoon for my essay this week!
Week 11: Storytelling: Alice in Horrorland
Week 11: Storytelling
When she knocked, the door automatically opened. Alice quickly walked in and immediately the door slammed shut. She hurried into the next room and found a black cat with such large teeth showing a grin beyond evil. Alice thought to herself, "I did not know that cats could grin so evilly."
Alice in Horrorland
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Haunted Forest of Horrorland |
Once Alice had finally landed at the bottom of the rabbit hole, she fell to the coldest and hardest ground she had ever felt. She quickly stood up and looked all around her.
All around Alice were dark trees and fog as far as she could see. She had no idea where she was or why she was there. Alice decided to walk until she found someone or something that could help her get back home.
An hour later, she could finally see a house in the distance. She walked and walked until she eventually came up to the dark and rundown old house. She made the questionable decision to knock on the door.
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Haunted House |
The cat screeched and ran off leaving Alice alone. Immediately, Alice heard the cackle of what sounded like a witch. When she turned around, Alice saw the most horrible-looking woman she had ever seen watching her. She was quite a tall, chubby woman and she was wearing a long white dress. The dress looked like it had hearts painted on with blood.
Alice closed her eyes and shook her head. "Surely I am dreaming. This cannot be real life," she thought to herself, terrified. When she carefully opened her eyes, the evil woman was still standing there in her blood-painted dress. "Welcome to my house, little girl! If you didn't already figure it out, it is haunted!" exclaimed the woman. "I am the Queen of Hearts, and I am ready to take yours," the queen screamed.
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Horrorland |
Alice had never felt her stomach drop like that before. She started running towards the front door to escape the murderous queen. She slammed the door behind her but that did not stop the queen. The queen started chasing after Alice through the haunted woods of Horrorland. Alice finally found a large tree to hide behind.
Everything got real quiet for a few minutes. Alice had a slight feeling of hope when all of a sudden she heard what sounded like a branch crack. She held her breath and tried not to make a sound, but the queen was getting closer and closer.
Alice started to cry and could not contain herself. The queen heard a noise and followed the sound. She found the tree which Alice was hiding behind. The queen of hearts screamed "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!" and took an axe to Alice, cutting her head clean off. She started laughing and used the blood to draw another heart on her white dress. She went home and waited for another victim to come knocking on her door.
Author's Note: I changed this story a lot. I decided since it is the week of Halloween, I would do a horror themed story. My goal was to make the queen like someone we usually see in horror films. I was thinking someone similar to Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees. I was initially going to just add Michael Myers into the story as the killer, but after I chose my reading unit I thought the queen would be perfect. I did not describe Alice falling down the rabbit hole because I felt it did not need to be explained, and it was not that important to my story. I really wanted to focus on the actual haunted woods and the chase. I added little things such as the cat who I changed to have an evil grin instead of a happy one. I also wanted to add in the haunted house because there are a lot of times where Alice goes into a house or is trying to open doors. I turned the meaning of queen of hearts into a very gory one. I thought it would make for an interesting twist while still having her keep her name. I changed the name of the story to "Alice of Horrorland" instead of "Alice in Wonderland" because it fits the story better, and also because of my Halloween theme. I felt that since this story is very well known, I could really change it a lot, even just simple details, and people would know the differences I made to my version.
Book: Alice in Wonderland
Author: Lewis Carroll
Year: 1865
Web Source: Un-Textbook
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Week 11: Reading Diary: Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland
Down the Rabbit Hole:
This is about when Alice follows a talking rabbit down a rabbit hole which happens to have her falling for a long, long time. She ends up in a hallway with a lot of doors, but only one key. The key only opens a tiny door too little for her to get through. This door leads to a garden so Alice wants to go through that door. She drinks a potion that makes her smaller, but realizes she left the key on the tall table and cannot reach it. So then she eats cake to hope that it will make her bigger so she can reach the key.
The Pool of Tears:
After she eats the cake, she becomes very large. She is more than 9 feet tall and cannot see her feet anymore.
The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill:
She sees a mushroom and finds a caterpillar smoking a hookah on top of it.
Advice from a Caterpillar:
Alice meets the caterpillar and they have a rough conversation. He doesn't understand anything she tries to tell him about her size issues from that day. Alice then tells the caterpillar a rhyme and he criticizes it. She pleads to the caterpillar to be taller and he tells her the mushroom would do the trick. However, one side would make her taller and the other would make her smaller. She first at the side that made her smaller. Quickly she ate the other side, but it made her neck super long and she went into the clouds. A pigeon thinks she is a serpent and is scared of Alice. She finally ate both sides of the mushroom back and forth until she was normal sized.
Pig and Pepper:
Alice goes to a house where a fish footman is handing a letter to a frog footman. The letter is an invitation for the duchess from the Queen for the duchess to play croquet. Once Alice gets into the house, we meet the Cheshire Cat. The duchess was kind of rude to Alice. The duchess left to go play croquet and left her baby with Alice (which was really a pig). She runs into the cat again and asks it for directions and has a conversation about being "mad." She finally came to the house of the March Hare and saw that the house had chimney ears and a fur roof.
A Mad Tea Party:
Alice goes into a house where the Mad Hatter and the March Hare are having a tea party. They are rude to her at first because she sits down uninvited. They talk about time and how the Hatter keeps it at 6 o'clock always.
The Queen's Croquet-Ground:
Alice stumbles on a deck of cards painting white roses red. They had to paint them because the queen wanted red. Then the queen appears and asks Alice who she was. She tried to have her beheaded, but Alice would not have it. They played a very strange game of croquet with hedgehogs and flamingos.
Down the Rabbit Hole:
This is about when Alice follows a talking rabbit down a rabbit hole which happens to have her falling for a long, long time. She ends up in a hallway with a lot of doors, but only one key. The key only opens a tiny door too little for her to get through. This door leads to a garden so Alice wants to go through that door. She drinks a potion that makes her smaller, but realizes she left the key on the tall table and cannot reach it. So then she eats cake to hope that it will make her bigger so she can reach the key.
The Pool of Tears:
After she eats the cake, she becomes very large. She is more than 9 feet tall and cannot see her feet anymore.
The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill:
She sees a mushroom and finds a caterpillar smoking a hookah on top of it.
Advice from a Caterpillar:
Alice meets the caterpillar and they have a rough conversation. He doesn't understand anything she tries to tell him about her size issues from that day. Alice then tells the caterpillar a rhyme and he criticizes it. She pleads to the caterpillar to be taller and he tells her the mushroom would do the trick. However, one side would make her taller and the other would make her smaller. She first at the side that made her smaller. Quickly she ate the other side, but it made her neck super long and she went into the clouds. A pigeon thinks she is a serpent and is scared of Alice. She finally ate both sides of the mushroom back and forth until she was normal sized.
Pig and Pepper:
Alice goes to a house where a fish footman is handing a letter to a frog footman. The letter is an invitation for the duchess from the Queen for the duchess to play croquet. Once Alice gets into the house, we meet the Cheshire Cat. The duchess was kind of rude to Alice. The duchess left to go play croquet and left her baby with Alice (which was really a pig). She runs into the cat again and asks it for directions and has a conversation about being "mad." She finally came to the house of the March Hare and saw that the house had chimney ears and a fur roof.
A Mad Tea Party:
Alice goes into a house where the Mad Hatter and the March Hare are having a tea party. They are rude to her at first because she sits down uninvited. They talk about time and how the Hatter keeps it at 6 o'clock always.
The Queen's Croquet-Ground:
Alice stumbles on a deck of cards painting white roses red. They had to paint them because the queen wanted red. Then the queen appears and asks Alice who she was. She tried to have her beheaded, but Alice would not have it. They played a very strange game of croquet with hedgehogs and flamingos.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Week 10: Famous Last Words
Week 10: Famous Last Words
This week was so great because since I had midterms and papers due last week, I did not have any major projects due this week and could really focus on this class. I don't like when I do not get to spend a lot of time doing work for this class because I know that my work ends up not being my best, especially my stories. I really like to put thought into my stories and really make them great.
This week I really got to focus on studying in advance and getting a lot of homework done which was nice.
In my Methods of Social Research class, my group got our proposal back today! It was 15 pages long and took forever to write, but the work paid off. We ended up getting an A, and it was the highest grade in the class. That was such a great feeling. That was the second paper (the first big paper) we wrote for this class, and we got the best grade in the class on both of them. I am not much for group work in classes, but I really got blessed with a great group for this class and I could not be more thankful for that.
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Disney's Snow White |
I am really excited for the next two weeks in this class because we are getting into some really good stories! A lot of them look familiar, but some others do not so I am excited to get into that. I am also looking forward to reading other people's stories because I think people will be extra creative this week since we know so many of the stories that we can choose from. Since I know that there is a Celtic version of Snow White in the upcoming unit, I decided to post a picture of Snow White since she is from one of my favorite Disney movies.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Week 10: Essay
Week 10: Essay
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Master of His Land by James Ayers |
This week I read the British North American Unit and to be honest it was a little bit of a let down. As much as I like reading stories that are short, some of these stories were simply just too short to have a lot of depth and detail to keep the reader interested. I enjoyed that they were quick and to the point, but I would have liked to have had some that were a little more interesting. I think that I read this unit because it said that there were tricksters and heroes which there were, but I guess I was expecting something a little different. I just went back and looked at the list of units for week 9 & 10 and I just noticed the Eskimo Unit and after reading that there were ghosts and supernatural beings, I wish that I had read that unit instead. I guess I somehow overlooked it before. Overall, the Native American unit disappointed me quite a bit. I felt like either the stories spent too much time explaining unnecessary details (Native American Stories) or not enough time explaining details (British North American Stories).
I am really looking forward to the next two weeks because we are getting into British Isles which includes stories such as Nursery Rhymes, Alice in Wonderland, and Beowolf. I think that I am really going to spend some time on the stories for the next two weeks and try to make them my best ever. I will also look forward to reading other peoples stories because there will be a lot of familiarity there, but also a lot of rewriting so that will be really fun. This week, in honor of the Native American Unit, I am including a piece of Native American art since it is so beautiful and living in Oklahoma there is a lot of it around. My grandparents have a ton of it in their house so I have always enjoyed it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Week 10: Storytelling
Week 10: Storytelling: Creation of the World
Serena's World |
One day Serena was riding her silver unicorn through the enchanted sunflower field so that she could find the perfect sunflower to dress in her golden hair for her birthday extravaganza that evening. She jumped off of her unicorn, Moonlight, and walked the field searching for a marvelous sunflower.
As Serena was walking, she felt the land disappearing underneath her feet. She had walked onto a faulty piece of land and fell through the land. She began falling, falling, and falling for what seemed like an eternity. On her way down, she was passing glistening stars, falling through fluffy white clouds, and finally fell into a large body of water.
Jeremiah the Turtle |
Jeremiah, the sea turtle decided that someone would have to go to the bottom of the sea to get some sand to create an island for Serena to walk on. First to search for sand was the seahorse, but the seahorse was too little and could not make the deep, deep trip to the bottom so he came back and apologized to Serena.
Next to search for sand was the mighty shark. The shark was strong and fast, but he got distracted by fish along the way. He stopped to eat every fish he crossed and never returned. Finally the frog, the smallest and oldest sea creature of them all, decided she would come forth and nominate herself to do the job. Everyone laughed and thought that there was no way possible that she could ever fulfill such a tough mission.
It took the frog an hour and twenty minutes to complete the task, but she accomplished it. She came back with a mouth full of sand and Jeremiah rubbed the sand all over his shell. Before they knew it, the sand was multiplying and growing faster and faster by the minute.
Serena's Island |
Serena loved her new land, but greatly missed the land where she was born and grown up. She missed her parents and the magic that surrounded her each day for in this world there was no magic. Although her parents searched for her day and night, they eventually searched their entire land but could not find her. They never would have dreamed she was living by herself in a whole other land made just for her. Serena spent most of her days crying because she was alone and had no friends or other humans to talk to.
One day a man was falling through the sky and landed in the same spot that Serena had a year before. He swam to the shore and him and Serena would be partners from that day on. Serena no longer spent her days lonely. This is how the world and its people came to be.
Author's Note: For this story, I changed the beginning the most. I also did change the end a little bit just to make it more realistic and make it make sense. In the original, there was nothing said about the girl being sad or that she missed her family. I feel like if I was the only person on an island, I would be so lonely so I added that. Also, there was no man in the original. It ended just saying that that was how the earth was made so I felt that it made more sense to put a man with her to show that that would be how the earth was populated. I made the land where the girl came from magical with mystical creatures to give it a little more excitement and mystery. In the original she did not have a unicorn or ride through sunflower fields. She was laying on the ground when some men were digging and dug too deep and she fell through the land. I also changed the part where she falls in the water. Turtles helped break her fall and I think it was more of a lake because they searched for dirt not sand.
Book: British North America
Author: Katharine Berry Judson
Year Published: 1917
Web Source: Un-textbook
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Week 10: Reading Diary: British North America
Week 10: Reading Diary
Reading A:
This was a really interesting and different story. It was about all of the 5 different worlds that the Nuxalk people believe in. It would be fun to give details and play up one of the worlds for a retelling.
Creation of the World:
I always find it so interesting to read stories about how things in the world came to be, but this story was how the actual world came to be. A toad went underwater to find some earth and the turtle put all of the little bit of earth on his shell and it grew into the world. It is so interesting to see how Native American stories are similar or different to other stories I already know or have read for this class.
How the Earth was Formed:
This story was really similar to the last story and it also reminded me a tiny bit of Noah's Ark. This story was kind of strange in my opinion I don't think I will be retelling it but it was interesting to read about how the earth was formed according to the Cree people.
The Creation of the Earth:
This story was short and sweet. It was another story about creation and how the world came to be. I would have to add a lot to this story to retell it because it was so short and lacked a lot of detail.
Origin of Rivers in Queen Charlotte Islands:
This story was a lot like others I have read in this class about how things came to be. I think this story would be really good with some more detail because it was more of a shorter story so I could really add a lot in a retelling.
Coyote's Gifts:
This story was about a coyote who was sent from the Old One. He has powers to shape shift and all sorts of things. He ultimately ends up letting salmon be in all places so that no one could take them all.
Reading A:
This was a really interesting and different story. It was about all of the 5 different worlds that the Nuxalk people believe in. It would be fun to give details and play up one of the worlds for a retelling.
Creation of the World:
I always find it so interesting to read stories about how things in the world came to be, but this story was how the actual world came to be. A toad went underwater to find some earth and the turtle put all of the little bit of earth on his shell and it grew into the world. It is so interesting to see how Native American stories are similar or different to other stories I already know or have read for this class.
How the Earth was Formed:
This story was really similar to the last story and it also reminded me a tiny bit of Noah's Ark. This story was kind of strange in my opinion I don't think I will be retelling it but it was interesting to read about how the earth was formed according to the Cree people.
The Creation of the Earth:
This story was short and sweet. It was another story about creation and how the world came to be. I would have to add a lot to this story to retell it because it was so short and lacked a lot of detail.
Origin of Rivers in Queen Charlotte Islands:
This story was a lot like others I have read in this class about how things came to be. I think this story would be really good with some more detail because it was more of a shorter story so I could really add a lot in a retelling.
Coyote's Gifts:
This story was about a coyote who was sent from the Old One. He has powers to shape shift and all sorts of things. He ultimately ends up letting salmon be in all places so that no one could take them all.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Week 9: Famous Last Words
Week 9: Famous Last Words
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"Halloween" |
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"Halloween" |
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My dad testing out the mask taken by me |
One Halloween my dad dressed as Michael Myers and had the mask, the outfit, makeup and everything. He took a knife and went into my 62 year old neighbors backyard and tapped on her back door with the knife. She almost peed her pants and probably almost had a heart attack! She was screaming and everything! He actually got me too. When I was coming home from work he snuck out of the garage and chased me! It was great. I could not find the picture of him in full costume, but I found one of him wearing the mask so there you go!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Week 5: Storytelling: The Broken Pot
The Broken Pot
There once was a man named Miser. This man was very greedy to say the least. He had started a collection of rice that he had acquired while begging over the last few months. This rice was in a beautiful pot that he decided to put next to the fireplace so that he could look at it all day and night and dream of what would come of the rice. In his day dream this is what he thought:Miser thought that if there ever was to be a famine, he would sell all of his rice for a hundred rupees. This rice would make him enough money to do something great. With this money he would start a little restaurant on the poorest street in town. It would be something small, and only the poor would step foot inside. Here Miser would sell dishes such as vegetable soup, bread, and the scraps of meat that no one else wanted. After a year he would sell the small restaurant making just enough profit to buy something bigger and better.
With five hundred rupees, Miser could afford to buy a restaurant in the suburbs of town. This restaurant would be twice as big and twice as nice. This restaurant would attract a middle class clientele, and he would make double the profit. Here he would serve people such as doctors, soldiers, and priests. The typical menu would be mushroom soup, two different types of bread, chicken, and trout. After a year, Miser would make enough profits to sell the restaurant and end up with twice as much money.
With one thousand rupees, Miser would buy a restaurant in the center of the city. His restaurant would be three times bigger and better than the last one. Here he would serve his food to only the richest people of the land. Kings and Queens would regularly stop at his beloved restaurant for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After two years Miser would have made twice as much money on profits and twice as much on selling the restaurant. All together he would now have four thousand rupees.
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The Broken Pot |
As Miser was thinking about kicking his wife, he gave out a large kick and kicked the pot of rice. He kicked so hard that it went into the fireplace. The pot broke into a million pieces and all of the rice went into the burning flames along with his greedy dreams.
Author's Note: For this unit I decided to keep the story the same, but change the details of it. In the original story Miser dreams about buying animals and selling them when they reproduce and keeps buying nicer and nicer animals and selling them until he buys a mansion with four separate wings. When he is daydreaming this is what he does in the future: he starts by selling the rice to buy goats, when the goats reproduce, he sells them for cows. When the cows have calves, he sells the calves and buys buffalo. When the buffalos reproduce, he sells them for horses and he eventually will sell them for gold. He did not really even have to work for his fortune in the original. He just sells animals, but in my version he actually hast to work in order to gain money. I did not want him to just sit back and not have to do anything since he was such a greedy man. He deserved to have to work. In the original, Misers name is actually Svabhavakripana which means "born miser" so I just changed it to Miser for convenience, and also because miser means greedy. I kept everything about the wife and son the same except the son's name is actually Somasarmon. I also changed that for convenience. Since he really does kick his wife, I had to keep that in there since that was the reason for his lost dreams. If he kicked his wife, he deserved to lose the rice into the fire.
Book: Indian Fairytales
Author: Joseph Jacobs
Year Published: 1912
Web Source: Un-Textbook
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Week 9: Essay
Week 9: Essay: Cartoons about Language
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Cartoon |
To me, when I look at this cartoon two totally different things going on. The man on the left is happy and smiling, and the man on the left does not look happy. He actually looks annoyed or bored with the man on the left. They really gave the man on the left a lot of gender characteristics such as a hat, a button up shirt, a beard, and a hammer. The man on the right has no gender telling characteristics except for he has short hair. Now that I think of it, its as if he has no gender. That is really interest to me.
I think another thing that makes this cartoon funny is the use of beverages. The man on the left uses beverages such as gin and tonic, tang, and pepsi. He could have said water, milk, and tea. The guy on the right said frappuccino which is actually what made me laugh. It is such a fancy name for a beverage, and I am assuming they used that word because it started with an F. I definitely think it is the language that makes this cartoon comical because if they had just used normal beverages, I would not have found it funny at all.
Week 9: Storytelling
Week 9: Storytelling: The Fairy Bride
A long time ago, there was a young Indian girl named Nini who lived off of Lake Superior with her loving parents. Nini was a special girl who was different from all the rest. She was quite small and slender. She never grew much taller than a child, and some would even say she was no bigger than a fairy. She was also a dreamer, she was always daydreaming about one thing or another.
Nini was not always happy with the way things were in her life. Every day Nini would run off to the forest to escape her life and daydream about the things she had always wanted. Nini would daydream about the blooming flowers in the spring, the warm sun waking her up every morning, and swimming in the river. She hated the cold weather and wished that she could find some place where it was summer all year long. This is what she dreamed about.
The tribe members thought it was very strange that she ran off into the forest every day. What was she doing? Was she talking to fairies? Was she seeing mysterious creatures? She was always a little bit different when she came back home from her visits to the forest.
They were in fact correct. Nini had an incredible gift of talking to fairies. They trusted her, and they kept each others secrets. She talked to them about her daydreams of a wonderful land, and also about her dream husband for when the time would come and she was ready to marry. She pleaded for them to grant her her dreams and wishes. As she was leaving the forest that night, Nini saw a small and slender shadow in the shape of a young man off in the distance. By the time she investigated, the shadow was gone, but somehow she knew there was something special about him.
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Forest Fairy |
Although Nini was at the age when it is time to marry, she always had her head in the clouds and never thought twice about marriage. She was not interested in marrying who her mother thought was best for her, . Her mother wished that she would get her head straight and settle down for marriage. She wanted Nini to marry the tall hunter of the tribe. However, Nini was the least bit interested in this man because he was too tall, she barely came above his waist. He also only cared about killing animals which she hated. She knew that all he thought about and talked about was hunting, killing, and skinning animals. Her mother on the other hand thought that he would make a perfect husband for her because he could take care of her, protect her, and they would never starve.
Ultimately, Nini's parents set a date for her to marry the man she hated so much. On the wedding day, Nini's mother dressed her black hair in red flowers and long curls. She had put on the dress that her mother made specially for her wedding day, and held the bouquet of flowers her grandmother had put together for her. Her one last wish was to go to the forest one more time before she was married.
When she left for the forest, the guests noticed the sky went dark. They were all worried a deathly storm was coming so her parents went looking for Nini. When they got to the forest, they saw Nini in her wedding dress, holding flowers, and walking with a mysterious man. The young man was very close to Nini's size and was slender, just like her. The only thing different about him was that he had wings, he was a fairy.
The fairies had granted Nini's wish of finding the husband she had always dreamed about. Although they wanted different for their daughter, Nini's parents could see by the smile on Nini's face that she was truly happy for once in her life. She was in love. They decided that they would be happy for their daughter despite what their wishes for her were. Nini became a bride after all, a fairy bride.
Author's Note: I did not change very much about "The Fairy Bride." The only part I really changed was the ending, but just a little bit. When she went to the forest before the wedding, she actually disappeared for a whole day. Also, Nini's parents did not find her in the woods, it was a hunter and his dog. They knew the man was a fairy because he was so little, and because the hunters dog, who was not scared of even bears, was tucking his tail when he saw the man. That meant he must be immortal. All other aspects of the story stayed the same, I just reworded most of it or shortened it a bit. I shortened the part about her visits to the forest a little bit just because those parts were a little drawn out. I did not change this story too much because I really liked it. I liked how in the end she got what she always wanted because she deserved it.
Author: W.T. Larned
Year Published: 1921
Web Source: Un-Textbook
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Week 9: Reading Diary: American Indian Fairy Tales
American Indian Fairy Tales: Reading A
Iagoo, the Storyteller:
This story is basically introducing Iagoo. Iagoo was a storyteller that everyone trusted. He knew more than anyone about the world, and would teach children about why things are the way they are. It is setting up the rest of the stories because they are told by Iagoo.
Shin-ge-bis Fools the Noth Wind:
This story at the beginning reminded me of the movie "Frozen." That would be fun to incorporate in a rewrite somehow. This story was really long so I am not sure how I would rewrite it, but I did enjoy the story.
The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds:
This story was nice because it had a lot of nice descriptions about life long, long ago. I would have to significantly shorten the story though. This story was about how the littlest creature, the one who no one believed in, saved two children stuck at the top of a mountain high up in the clouds.
Iagoo, the Storyteller:
This story is basically introducing Iagoo. Iagoo was a storyteller that everyone trusted. He knew more than anyone about the world, and would teach children about why things are the way they are. It is setting up the rest of the stories because they are told by Iagoo.
Shin-ge-bis Fools the Noth Wind:
This story at the beginning reminded me of the movie "Frozen." That would be fun to incorporate in a rewrite somehow. This story was really long so I am not sure how I would rewrite it, but I did enjoy the story.
The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds:
This story was nice because it had a lot of nice descriptions about life long, long ago. I would have to significantly shorten the story though. This story was about how the littlest creature, the one who no one believed in, saved two children stuck at the top of a mountain high up in the clouds.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Google Translate Tech Tip
The classic fairy tales of Aesop and Phaedrus
The fable is a short story so characteristic of Western culture than to the east; acting in it mostly animal characters, behind which is easy to identify as many types of human behavior. Through the pleasantness of the narrative of the fable pursues an aim gnomic, suggesting a way of life in the name of prudence, diligence, awareness of his own limitations.In the Western tradition the story is inextricably linked to the name of Aesop, enigmatic character who lived between the seventh and sixth centuries. B.C. which is attributed to the codification of the genre, as well as its self-affirmation in the literary landscape. The large corpus of stories attributed to this legendary figure was later revised and enlarged by later authors (Phaedrus, I sec.d. C; Babrio, II century AD.; Aviano, IV century AD.); grammarians and rhetoricians use it also for the teaching of basic language skills and the rudiments of compositional practice.
The iconographic tradition connesa the name of Aesop proceeds, both in ancient as in the modern world, along two parallel tracks: on one hand we are confronted with exhibits focusing on the character of the writer of fables and anecdotes of his life, all in the name of a 'irreverent wisdom; with the other evidence relating to fables. The latter know more luck in the context of the Middle Ages, who appreciate the character imaginative, allegorical and uplifting; are the subject of renewed interest, finally, in the Renaissance world, when, in addition to the drastic selection of stories survivors during the middle ages, the road becomes progressively recover the original footage in the Greek language.
The story does not completely translate to make total sense, but it is definitely readable. I have been using Google Translate a LOT this semester due to my Spanish class. Despite what some people may say, you definitely cannot write a long story and expect the whole thing to translate perfectly into another language.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Typing Game Tech Tip
My favorite typing game that I played was probably Type for Your Life or Typing Chef.
I thought they were both fun because they give you real words to type. The Ninja Cat game was fun because you get to shoot things, but I didn't like that sometimes there was random numbers or letters. I liked having big words. I would say I am pretty good at typing, but I am not the best. I definitely do some weird things when I type. I probably don't type technically correct some of the time. I just started using shift instead of caps lock for a lot of capital letters. For the longest time I found it way easier to use caps lock.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Week 8: Famous Last Words
Week 8: Famous Last Words
Last year was the first time I ever went to OU/TX. I know it's crazy. Especially since I am a native Normanite. My parents were just never into football that much so we never went, and then I was not about to pay $500 for a ticket when I finally got to college so it just never happened. Last year, the GM of the Toyota store (where I work) happened to have two tickets and I guess my dad had told him I wanted to go so he gave them to me! It was so nice of him to do that for me.
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My boyfriend Alejandro and Gracie taken by me |
The next morning we headed out bright and early and we were so excited because neither of us had been before. We got a decent parking spot and started the long walk to the stadium. We got to our seats and started to sweat like CRAZY. It was so fun to see how excited everyone was and to see the mascots, the cheerleaders, and the flags.
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OU/TX 2013 |
Then we went out that night and wore our colors proud and ate a delicious ribeye steak, jalapeno cheese grits, and calamari. Oh, and did I mention wine? It was lovely!
Although we lost, it was still such a fun experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I really wish I was going this year. I think it's going to be a great game, and I'm so jealous of all of my friends who are going!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Week 7: Essay
Week 7: Essay
The Mountain |
A story that was totally different from this was The Maiden who was Stolen Away. This story was about a woman being taken away by a flying ogre, and her brother has to come rescue her. This story is what one intends to read when it comes to a story about family. Compared to the first story, this story was happier and the brother saved the day!
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