Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 12: Famous Last Words

Week 12: Famous Last Words

This week was another stressful one! I had two tests at the end of the week. I don't understand how every single month, all of my tests end up being on the same day! How stressful! But luckily, the only big things I have left to do are finals and a paper and then it is Christmas!!! One more month and school is out for winter break. I am so excited! I dont know about anyone else, but this semester has flown by so fast. I just took my third tests in all of my classes, but it feels like just yesterday we were going over the syllabus. I guess I was just so busy that I blinked and it was almost over. I am really terrified for next semester because I have enrolled in capstone. (!!!!)  That is just the scariest thing in the world to me. I am almost a college graduate. What is even scarier is that now I have to figure out what I want to do with my life. I still do not know what I want to be "when I grow up." Hopefully I am not the only one who feels this way. I have always been so sick of school and just wanted to graduate, but now I am scared of what is ahead of me when I am actually out.


Well, it was another rough week for OU football. Hopefully we get it together soon and start winning every game again like we always did while I was growing up!!! I actually get to go to the bedlam game which I am super excited about, but I am kind of nervous now!! I just found out my dad had some tickets and he is giving them to me. I really just want to go to have fun regardless of if we win or not. Either way I know it is going to be a lot of fun!


  1. Hi there Stephanie. I know what you mean about being ready to get school over with, but still not sure what to once you graduate. You are not alone! I am in a similar predicament, but I am still a junior. I am hoping to figure that out within the next year. If not, then my back up plan is to travel as much as I can and then maybe that will help me figure it out! Fingers crossed that we both end up where we want to be in the end!

  2. Stephanie, I totally feel you when you talk about the fear of not knowing what you want to do when you "grow up." I still don't really feel like an adult despite the fact that I'll be 21 this Thursday. I've recently adopted the term "pseudo-adult" to refer to myself and others who are technically adults age-wise but still feel as though, in some situations, we need an "real" adult. I'm a junior but graduation seems as if its right around the corner - I still feel like freshman year was like yesterday! I'm sure everything will go well for you and you'll get everything figured out. We just need to breathe! Good luck with your capstone!
